Specific & Area Plans:
Downtown & Kalihi Neighborhood Transit-Oriented Development Plans (Honolulu, HI)

2016 Hawaii Chapter APA Honor Award for Urban Design

The City & County of Honolulu is developing a 20-mile passenger rail though the city. As part of this effort, Jean contributed to the development of two neighborhood transit-oriented development plans (spanning six stations) to support the rail and new housing and neighborhood development. She managed a team of consultants, the budget, schedule, and work plan, and was the primary author of the neighborhood plans. She designed a community outreach program with City staff that included advisory committees and workshops with the community at-large. She interviewed over 50 stakeholders, including representatives from public agencies, universities, U.S. Army, local prison officials, business owners, community leaders, and non-profit providers of affordable housing and social services to understand concerns and aspirations. The final product is a plan that supports housing near transit, improves job training and employment opportunities, expands workforce and affordable housing availability, and seeks to improve quality of life. The rail project is currently under construction.

Completed while employed with Dyett & Bhatia

Our focus is on implementation when preparing corridor, area, and specific plans. We always prepare zoning amendments on the heels of specific and area plans to facilitate plan implementation and conduct environmental review to support future streamlining.